Egg in the city

Wellington (Mon 13th -Wed 15th)

I haven’t posted because the South Island has been pretty manicccc. Mainly due to too much alcohol consumption. Bad egg. But after a couple days to get my shell back together , I can now I can update y’all! 

We left river valley about 12 as everyone was a little hungover (except me of course). Our second day of Ben as a driver, it quickly became apparent that unlike Kyle, his personality is an acquired taste. Ben has a dry sense of humour and tells slightly racist and sexist jokes that sometimes gets him in to trouble. I thought he was hilarious. 

We nearly didn’t make it to the park above. Quoting Ben: ‘I was going to take you to the adventure playground but it’s raining a bit and I wouldn’t want you kids to catch a cold. So we can drive past and I’ll point to it and you can all cry and winge that Kyle would have taken you there. Because Kyle is the best driver ever. I’m not Kyle’ 😂😂

Ben proceeded to explain how there has been an earthquake due in Wellington since he was a kid and when it does ‘it’ll all slide back in to the ocean’. Helpful advice followed  ‘If it happens and you’re in base you’re pretty much fucked. Get under the table hope nothing falls on your head and enjoy it go with the flow’. Thanks Ben for that helpful insight.

After a full 10 hour sleep myself Kirsty and Lucy headed up the library and the Te pupa museum. The museum was so cool – we were in there for about 4 hours. It is home to the worlds largest squid ever caught,the colossal squid. The 495kg beast was caught in 2007 and has been in the museum since 2008. There is also a big display on earthquakes and tsunamis around the world and what causes them. This is obviously particularly relevant to New Zealand as the islands sit over a tectonic plate and are prone to earthquakes. 

We decided to brave the wind and rain and run 140m round the corner to a pub for dinner. Much to our eggcitement, they had free bingo on! 4 rounds later and not a single round won, we hit the hay (or hit the box, aye) ready for our 7am pick up to head to the South Island.

See u on the other sideeee

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